Course Syllabus

Contact Information

This table includes information about how to contact your instructor and other important details about your class

Image of 'anonymous' person

Office Hours:  πŸš©πŸš© day/time Central hyperlink to Zoom link 🚩🚩

Phone: 🚩

Email: 🚩

Live Session: 🚩🚩 day/time Central hyperlink to Zoom link 🚩🚩

Zoom Meeting ID: 🚩

Zoom Passcode: 🚩


🚩Instructor Name 🚩

🚩Official Title 🚩

🚩Department 🚩

 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Recommended (1.8). The instructor should create a profile in Canvas for students' reference. Canvas profiles include a photo (most important) and may also contain a bio, areas of research interest, awards/achievements, publications, etc. πŸš©πŸš©

Course Details

For a list of course activities, scroll to the bottom of this page.

Course Format

 πŸš©πŸš© Indicate the course format and describe any Live Session frequency. See the definitional language from Quality Matters below:

  • Asynchronous Online: Learning takes place online and asynchronously within a course site, typically hosted in a learning management system (LMS).
  • Synchronous Online: Learning occurs online and in real time, using technology such as web-conferencing software for synchronous interaction. This is the option that reflects an online course with scheduled Live Sessions. Describe the frequency of Live Sessions (weekly, bi-monthly, etc.) and any attendance requirements.
  • Hybrid: Learning takes place both online and in-person/face-to-face (F2F). Examples of face-to-face learning could be Study Abroad experiences, Practicums, etc. The asynchronous course site must include information about F2F activities to help orient learners.
  • Multi-modal: Learning takes place in at least two of three modalities: online asynchronous, online synchronous, and face-to-face/in-person. πŸš©πŸš©

Course Prerequisites 

 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Recommended (1.7). Add text about required prerequisites or change the heading to "Assumed Prior Knowledge" and add info about skills and knowledge students should refresh for your course. Delete the section altogether if not applicable 🚩🚩

Course Materials

🚩🚩 This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Essential (4.1). Add high-level resources like required textbook(s), software, subscriptions, proctoring fees, equipment, and/or other course resources. If your course uses many individual articles or external resources, list them in the module Resource pages in which they are assigned. Provide additional information on the RESOURCES: Course Materials page. πŸš©πŸš©

🚩🚩 "The best way to add an article, electronic book, or database to your Canvas course is to link to the article using a permalink or permanent link. Linking to an article rather than uploading a PDF allows the library to record more accurate usage statistics for journals and databases" (OU Library). 🚩🚩

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) 

🚩🚩 Add the program learning outcomes to the table below. Then, describe how the CLOs align with the PLOs and how the course fits into the program's goals  🚩🚩

  1. 🚩 <<Add PLO here>> 🚩
  2. 🚩 <<Add PLO here>> 🚩
  3. 🚩 <<Add PLO here>> 🚩
  4. 🚩 <<Add PLO here>> 🚩
  5. 🚩 <<Add PLO here>> 🚩

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Alignment

 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Essential (2.1). Instructor/ID: Copy the Course Learning Outcomes and associated PLO(s) from the Course Design Summary document and place them in the table below 🚩🚩

Course Learning Outcomes
CLO Description PLO



 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Essential (3.2). Add a breakdown of graded items and the points/percentage associated with each activity 🚩🚩

Course activities and grades listed for each activity
Activity Description Points/Percentage


🚩🚩 Add grading scale. Will you grade on a curve? Are grade ranges typical A-90+, B-80+, C-70+, etc? 🚩🚩

Grade Scale
Percentage Letter Grade
90–100% A
80–89% B
70–79% C
60–69% D
Below 60% F

Course Components

 πŸš©πŸš© Course Component 1 (e.g., Case Study) 🚩🚩

 πŸš©πŸš© Describe each of the major activities in the course and a brief rationale. Describe how this course component will be assessed (e.g., the Rubric name, complete/incomplete, automatically graded quizzes, instructor feedback). Include a statement about which CLO(s) this component will help students achieve. 🚩🚩

 πŸš©πŸš© Course Component 2 (e.g., Discussion Board) 🚩🚩

 πŸš©πŸš© Describe each of the major activities in the course and a brief rationale. Describe how this course component will be assessed (e.g., the Rubric name, complete/incomplete, automatically graded quizzes, instructor feedback). Include a statement about which CLO(s) this component will help students achieve. 🚩🚩

 πŸš©πŸš© Course Component 3 (e.g., Exams) 🚩🚩

🚩🚩 Provide a brief description of exam requirements such as exam format, academic integrity expectations, etc. Describe how this course component will be assessed (e.g., the Rubric name, complete/incomplete, automatically graded, instructor feedback). Include a statement about which CLO(s) this component will help students achieve. 🚩🚩

Course Policies


 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Recommended (1.3). How do you want students to contact you? Do you prefer to be contacted through Canvas or by email? Give students an estimate of when you will reply, usually 24 hours M-F. Give students an estimate of how to communicate with you over the weekend (e.g., "Emails received during the weekend will receive a response within 48 hours).

How do you prefer to be addressed (Professor, Dr., by your first name, etc.)? Clearly explain your role and expectations for how you would like students to interact with you and others. This may be especially helpful for learners needing encouragement to "speak up." 🚩🚩


 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Essential (5.3) and Recommended (3.5). Please tell students when they can expect feedback and grades on their activities and assignments. You should aim for a one-week turnaround on most assignments.  🚩🚩

Late Policy

 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Recommended (3.5). Add information about your late policy or missed work. Will you accept late work? If so, will there be a penalty? 🚩🚩


 πŸš©πŸš© This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Recommended (3.6). Plagiarism is the most common form of academic misconduct at OU. There is no college-level assignment that can be satisfactorily completed by copying. OU's basic assumption about writing is that all written assignments show the student's own understanding in the student's own words. That means all writing assignments, in class or out, are assumed to be composed entirely of words generated (not simply found) by the student, except where words written by someone else are specifically marked as such with proper citation. Including other people's words in your paper is helpful when you do it honestly and correctly. When you don't, it's plagiarism. 

For more information about plagiarism, watch this video and then take this short course offered by University Libraries. πŸš©πŸš©

University Academic Policies and Student Support

Access the University Academic Policies Document.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due