QUIZ 1: 🚩 Title 🚩

  • Due No due date
  • Points 0
  • Questions 0
  • Time Limit None


🚩🚩 Canvas quizzes contain many settings including the due date, time limit, and letting students see their results. To learn more about building Canvas quizzes, see: What options can I set in a quiz? and How do I create a quiz with individual questions? Finally, for helping students who need special accommodation or have technical problems, see: How do I use the Moderate Quiz page? Customize this quiz to meet your specific needs.

For ultimate flexibility, consider using Quiz Banks. Quiz Banks allow Canvas to randomly draw questions from a pool so no two Quizzes are the same. In addition, Quiz Banks make it easier to build comprehensive exams. Typically exams are composed of multiple Quiz Banks to ensure testing is reliable and valid. Make sure each Quiz Bank tests one construct or features questions in a similar format. For maximum security of your Quiz content, add new questions each time you teach the course. See this guide on how to construct Quiz Banks. 🚩🚩

🚩🚩 NOTE: When you change the Quiz title, be sure to remove the red flag emoji. Doing so will ensure tools like Respondus work properly. 🚩🚩

About This Quiz

🚩🚩 Provide details of the quiz below. 🚩🚩

  • Course content tested: 🚩🚩 Section Text 🚩🚩
  • Quiz format: 🚩🚩 Section Text 🚩🚩
  • Time limit: 🚩🚩 Section Text 🚩🚩
  • Number of attempts: 🚩🚩  Section Text 🚩🚩

Quiz Objectives

This assignment will guide your learning process to ensure you can:

🚩🚩 This content aligns with QM Specific Review Standards: Essential (3.1, 3.3, 5.1). Describe the skills, knowledge and beliefs you expect students to demonstrate in this assignment.

  • 🚩🚩 Quiz Objective (MLO 1; CLO A and B) 🚩🚩
  • 🚩🚩 Quiz Objective (MLO 3; CLO C) 🚩🚩
  • 🚩🚩 etc. 🚩🚩


🚩🚩 Add any additional guidelines for students on how to take the quiz. For example, if using time limits, it is helpful to explain to students how Canvas works with time limits.

[Example] The quiz must be taken during the scheduled window. You have 90 minutes to take the quiz. Only click the "Take the quiz" button once you are ready to take the quiz. You will only have one attempt for this quiz (i.e. there will not be an opportunity to re-take it and improve your score). Be sure to check that you have attached your work before submitting the quiz.

If you purposefully or inadvertently close the window, you may re-enter the quiz by clicking the "Resume Quiz" button. Note that the timer will continue to count down to zero and automatically submit your quiz when the provided time runs out. 🚩🚩

Academic Integrity

🚩🚩 State your academic integrity policy for this quiz. For example, see below:

  • Getting help on the quiz from your peers is not permitted.
  • Collaborating, or completing the quiz with others in the class, is not permitted.
  • Copying or reusing previous work is not permitted.
  • Open-book research for the quiz is permitted and encouraged. 🚩🚩

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes